Paul focuses on improving government management, to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of operations.
Here are links to his articles. Please send him your thoughts and comments.
"What Political Appointees Need to Know: Preparing Appointees for Success" Political Appointee Project Website. December 20, 2016. |
"How To Be Successful in the Trump Administration: Four Lessons From Previous Political Appointees" Government Executive Website. December 16, 2016. |
"What the State Department Can Teach Agencies About Preparing New Appointees for the Job" Government Executive Website. December 14, 2016. |
"Needed: A New Approach for Onboarding Political Appointees" Government Executive Website. December 2, 2016. |
"Your Guide to a Presidential Appointment in the Next Administration" Government Executive Website. June 28, 2016. |
"Avoiding a Government of Lawyers and Former Congressional Staffers" Government Executive Website. May 26, 2016. |
"Do You Have What It Takes To Be a Political Appointee?" Government Executive Website. May 2, 2016. |
"Looking Close to Home" Political Appointee Project. January 2015. |
"Leon Panetta's Hard Lessons in Leadership" Government Executive. October 24, 2014. |
"Hillary Clinton's Lessons in Executive Diplomacy" Government Executive. July 21, 2014. |
"What Government Executives Can Learn from Robert Gates" Government Executive. June 20, 2014. |
"What Government Executives Can Learn from Tim Geithner" Government Executive. June 12, 2014. |
"The Challenge of Appointments" Federal Times. May 2, 2014. |
"Implementing Performance Management in Government: Advice for Political Appointees" Political Appointee Project. April 2014. |
"Looking Close to Home" Political Appointee Project. February 2014. |
"Five lessons for Second-term Political Appointees" Federal Times. January 2013. |
"What Every New Political Appointee Should Know" Political Appointee Project. January 2013. |
"What We Have Learned About Political Appointees" Political Appointee Project. October 2012. |
"How Federal Executives Build Successful Long-Term Organizations" Public Manager. Summer 2012. |
"The Many Dimensions of Innovation in Government" AOL Government. May 2012. |
"Innovation in Government: Creating the Race to the Top Program at Education" AOL Government. April 2012. |
"Innovation in Government: Creating the VA's Innovation Initiative" AOL Government. April 2012. |
"Innovation in Government: Creating The 'Know Your Farmer' Program" AOL Government. March 2012. |
"Innovation In Government: Creating The 'Every Day Counts' Program" AOL Government. March 2012. |
"Leadership Lessons: Inez Moore Tenenbaum, Consumer Product Safety Commission" Government Executive. February 2012. |
"Leadership Lessons: Patrick Gallagher, National Institute of Standards and Technology" Government Executive. January 2012. |
"Leadership Lessons: Joseph Main, Mine Safety and Health Administration" Government Executive. January 23, 2012. |
"Leadership Lessons: Arun Majumdar, Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy" Government Executive. January 17, 2012. |
"Leadership Lessons: David Kappos, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office" Government Executive. January 2012. |
"The Challenge of Selecting and Orienting Political Appointees" The Public Manager. Winter 2011. |
"VIEWPOINT Picking Appointees" Government Executive. October 2011. |
"Agency-Level Reorganization Can Work" The Public Manager. Summer 2011. |
"Analysis: Getting Appointees Up to Speed" Government Executive. February 17, 2010. |
"Ready Aim Aim Aim: The Government's Culture Clash" Federal Times. December 15, 2009. |
"Commentary: Quarterly reports would enhance performance, accountability" Federal Times. December 21, 2008. |
"Missing From The Presidential Debate: Federal Management" Federal Times. October 13, 2008. |
"How to Think Like a Sports GM" FCW. September 15, 2008. |
"Viewpoint Across the Divide" Government Executive. August 1, 2008. |
"Commentary: Next administration should let agencies lead reform." Federal Times. July 27, 2008.
"The challenge of managing a highly educated work force." Federal Times. August 19, 2005.
"Public Service at Its Best." The Business of Government. Spring 2005, pages 3, 53. This article discusses the author's recent conversations and experiences with top government officials.
"What Steve Spurrier Taught Me About Management." The Business of Government. Summer 2004, pages 3, 66. This article discusses effective management practices with a sports metaphor.
"Grant Giving." The Business of Government. Summer 2003, page 3.
"Documenting a Revolution: Studies Detail Exciting Changes in Government," Federal Times. March 10, 2003.
"Leadership." The Business of Government. Winter 2002, page 1.
"Benchmarking." The Business of Government. Fall 2001, page 1.
"E-Government." The Business of Government. Fall 2000, page 1.
"Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990." The Business of Government. Spring 2000, page 1.
"Management Challenges for the 21st Century." The Business of Government. Summer 1999, pages 1, 20.
"Transforming a Traditional Agency into a Business: The United States Mint." The Business of Government. Spring 1999, pages 8-11.
"Gilmore gets B+ on technology." Washington Business Journal. December 7, 1998.
"Washington, D.C., A City of Policies and Operations." The Business of Government. September/October 1998, page 1.
"Mergers;" "Improving the Business of Government - U.S. Investigations Services;" "Public-Private Partnership at Work." The Business of Government. July/August 1998, pages 2-6.
"E-Government;" "Improving the Business of Government - Office of Management and Budget." The Business of Government. May/June 1998, pages 2-4
"Strategic Alliances;" "Improving the Business of Government - Defense Commissary Agency." The Business of Government. March/April 1998, pages 2-3 and 12.
"Let's Solve High-Tech Labor Shortage Ourselves." Washington Business Journal. March 13-19, 1998, page 91.
"Learning from Private Sector;" "Improving the Business of Government - Defense Automated Printing Service." The Business of Government. January/February 1998, pages 2-3.
"Build Statewide Information Superhighway." Washington Business Journal. January 2-8, 1998, page 51.
"Tech issue missing in Va. race." Washington Business Journal. October 27, 1997.
"Commit to specifics on outcomes, innovations." Washington Business Journal. September 8, 1997.
"Leveling the NCAA Field." Athletic Business. October 1989, pages 62-65.
"End Cheating - Pay College Athletes." The Wall Street Journal. March 6, 1987, page 30.
"Certification of Personnel Administrators: An Alternative Interpretation." Personnel Administration. December 1980, pages 31-35.
"Marx on Regulation: A Comment." Review of Social Economy. April 1980, pages 81-88.